PS26 Jesse Owens PTA meeting in person
September 19th . 2023
Present: Sam Posner, Rachel Hills, Sophie Richards, Michelle Choi, Principal Funtleyder, Assistant Principal Spence , Ms.Jones , Ms.Mavrvouniotis
Introductions from PTA board and administration:
- The PTA board introduced themselves, family and friends.
- Enrollment grew from last year , it grew so much they were unable to accommodate any more family for the 2023 to 2024 school year.
- there are 61 new immigrant family join us the school year.
- Our mission statement was approved.
PTA plans for 2023-2024:
- Michelle and Sophie gave the treasurers report
- There is 3,852 dollars in the bank .
- Keep track of what similar event made for last year to see what we can do better this school year.
- Sam discussed our contract form and class parent .
- The contact form is way of communication between parents and PTA .
- We also discussed the class parent and how we can get everybody to communicate with each other.
- We spoke about a share your thought box where families can voice their opinion and ideas .
- We spoke on fundraising And creating events for parents to be involved in.
- Ms Funtleyder spoke briefly, and took some concerns and questions from parents. Some issues that were addressed were about safety & drills .
- coordinated the class parents
- Emailed parents that were interested and share their contact information with other people in the classroom.
- we discussed academic coaching & new programs
- Brainstorming on clubs and afterschool programs
- We touched basic on how to support families and students and temporary housing.
- We spoke about doing clothes drives & coat drives to help families .
Meeting closes .