PS26 Jesse Owens October PTA meeting
November 21, 2023
Minutes prepare by Rachel Hills and Sam Posner
Attendance: 16 parents and teachers.
November Virtual PTA meeting
Tuesday November 21st, 2023 @ 5pm on Zoom
- Welcome & Updates
- Approve Minutes [October Meeting]
- Doris Jean motioned to approve the minutes.
- Michelle Choi seconded.
- Minutes are approved.
- Parent (Joana Zerpa) asks about a Spanish translation of the meeting.
- Rachel and Sam explain that they tried to translate, but tech wouldn’t work.
- Parent asks if teachers can send homework home with Spanish translation so she can help her children.
- Treasurer’s Report [October 2023]
Co-treasurer Michelle Choi presents the treasurer’s report for October.
- Announcements
a. Virtual Meetings and In-person events.