PS26 Jesse Owens March PTA meeting

May 21, 2024

Minutes prepared by Rachel Hills

21 teachers and parents present.

  1. Election

Camelia Brogton-Cruz introduces herself, and says she will be running election for Exec Board and SLT. She explains the positions and says she is taking nomination from the floor.

Sam Pozner introduces the nominations committee: Doris Jean and Monique Woods.

Doris reads the nominations for PTA Executive Board, a one-year term.

Monique reads the nominations for SLT (School Leadership Team), a two-year term.

Camelia asks if there are any further nominations for each role. There are not. All nominated positions are elected and Recording Secretary is left vacant.

Camelia says there will need to be an election for Recording Secretary in September, as well as an election for an alternate for the SLT.

  1. Updates

a. Minutes from April 2024.