PS26 Jesse Owens March PTA meeting
March 19, 2024
Minutes prepared by Rachel Hills
Attendance: 24 Teachers and Parents
PTA president Sam Posner reviews the picture slideshow from recent PTA activities, including pictures from the Black History Month assembly bakesale, which raised over $500, giving out icecreams and popsicles to all the children to celebrate the Penny Challenge, and class pictures, which went home in backpacks a couple of weeks ago.
This year, we were able to send class pictures to every family in the school, whether they were able to pay or not.
b. Approve Minutes [February meeting]
Sam motions to approve the February PTA meeting minutes.
Doris Jean seconds.
c. Treasurers’ report. [March Report]
Co-treasurer Michelle Choi delivers the Treasurers’ report, sharing that the PTA currently has a balance of $7552.05. Over $1000 of that balance will be going to the school photo vendor.
Michelle offers a shoutout to Maria, whose company encourages staff to donate $50-75 to a nonprofit of their choice each quarters. Now that we have established our non-profit status, Maria was able to direct her donation to the PS 026 PTA , and convinced two other employees to donate as well.
Michelle suggests sending home a flyer to families helping people to understand how the tax deductibility works. Tax deductibility doesn’t just apply to cash donations, but also to things like the coat drive, or the professional bakers who donate in kind services to the bake sale. Rachel Hills says she thinks sending home a letter is a great idea.
Sam shouts out the DOE survey and the importance of people participating. There is a link in the agenda to fill out the survey online. If you don’t have your child’s OSIS number, Ms Jones will be able to provide it.
The PTA is raffling two $50 gift cards, which everyone who participates in the survey will be eligible for.
The survey needs to be turned in by Friday April 5th.
b. WhatsApp / Class Parent one sheet.
The PTA sent home a one-sheet last week that has all the information for class parents and WhatsApp groups for each grade. It contains a quick description of the purpose of class parents, as well as QR code for the WhatsApp groups.
Sam says he saw a few more people sign up for the groups. If you haven’t yet joined your child’s grade groups, please do.
c. Admin Address
Principal Funtleyder thanks everyone for joining the meeting, and thanks the PTA for its enormous efforts in fundraising. She talks about new programs the school has been able to initiate, including: