PS26 Jesse Owens January PTA meeting

January 16, 2023

Minutes prepared by Rachel Hills and Sam Posner

Attendance: 25 Teachers and Parents


  1. Welcome and updates
    1. Approve minutes [December minutes]

Michelle Choi motioned to approve the minutes.

Doris Jean seconded.

Minutes approved.

b. Treasurers’ report [December 2023]

PTA co-treasurer Sophie Richards delivers treasurers’ report.

Current balance is $3369.45

Only a few outgoings in December. Balloon pump for the holiday assembly, penny jars for the January/February Penny Challenge, and Candy Grams for Valentine’s Day.

c. Bake sale recap

The holiday assembly bake sale raised almost $500, with over a dozen families in the school community contributing home-baked goods.

Most goods cost $1, with a few higher-tier, fancier and professionally packaged goods.

The PTA is planning to do another bake sale the next time lots of families are scheduled to be at the school, for the Black History Month assembly on February 15th or 16th - we’ll be reaching out for contributions closer to the date. Home baked or store bought contributions both welcomed.

Michelle Choi notes that while most people think sweet foods when they think of a bake sale, the savory goods we had went really quickly, so if you’re looking to contribute something to the next bake sale, think savory as well as sweet.

  1. Paint & Create

Ms Kinkel was sick over the holiday break, so there is a possibility the Paint & Create event scheduled for January 20th may have to be canceled.

  1. Penny Challenge